PR has completely changed in the past few months during the current health crisis. With countless magazines going bust, social media use peaking and consumer habits completely altered, brand publicity has completely changed. Thankfully, we’re used to adapting in the PR industry and we’re already adopting new strategies. Check out the ways we’re helping our clients during COVID-19.

Why has COVID-19 changed PR so much?

The virus epidemic has had a huge impact on publicity and the PR industry as a whole due to a number of factors. Some have helped the industry, while others have forced us to change our tactics completely:

  • Events including product launches were/are banned

  • Users are spending 60% more time on digital platforms and social media

  • Consumers are uncertain as the economy takes a dive

  • Large-scale magazines have folded and many journalists made redundant

These factors initially caused a flurry of change in PR, which Beauty Directory summarised well.

“Losing accounts, cancelling events, helping clients navigate this new normal, adapting to the needs of the media and seeing their brands suffer – all while diving head first into this virtual age – are just some of the many challenges PRs are currently facing.”

While this sounds tough, it’s forced publicists like Millenium to rethink how we can serve our clients in this changing world. Here’s how:

Understanding a brand’s personalised needs is possible via Zoom

Your brand has its own unique voice and you want to share it with the world through publicity. The best way to communicate this is with a face-to-face consultation with your publicist, and while we can’t meet in person right now, we can connect via Zoom. 

Online meetings are effective ways for publicists to understand the intricacies of your brand, your products and your brand voice when both parties have effective communication. Preparation ahead of Zoom meetings helps them run smoothly and help publicists understand your needs.

Events can go-ahead, they just require planning

Publicity events have been transformed since isolation. Now, publicity events centre around intimacy and the much-valued personal touch. Even when events become allowed, most experts think it’s unlikely they’ll be popular in the short term. But that’s OK! You can still debut your product in a captivating way with unique spins on traditional events.

New approaches to events include online launches such as interactive webinars. Imagine getting journalists and influencers together online; we explain your new product while attendees can touch and feel the tangible product pack they were sent a few days earlier. 

Small events will likely be allowed soon too, which further boosts intimacy of your brand’s interaction with both consumers and media. Instead of large parties, intimate events with clever interactive social media opportunities create memorable, personal experiences. 

Digital opportunities are everywhere

If your brand hasn’t established an effective, inclusive and aesthetically-pleasing digital presence, now is the time. Publicists have the skills and experience to link the details of your branding to digital assets including e-commerce platforms, websites, social accounts and online partnerships.

Brand continuity is key across your brand’s digital presence, but this doesn’t mean copying content between different social platforms. A publicist can help you create a cohesive strategy by using digital in a more personalised and customer-centric way than ever before.

Now’s the time to think outside the square

Covid-19 has forced so many brands to adopt more agile product ideas and marketing campaigns. Stagekings are a fantastic example. This brand was halfway through building a huge stage for the Formula 1 Grand Prix, when their next 18 months of stage construction bookings were cancelled in just a few days. Quickly, they decided to use their staff to make Isoking desks; desks made in 4 pieces that slot into place for everyone working from home.

Now, Stage King has 3,000 orders and made more than 4,000 items. 56 out-of-work event crew are now back working across 6 workshops in 4 states of Australia; and they  have raised nearly $22,000 for Support Act

StageKing’s ability to look at their available resources and mobilise them in a new direction is a great idea of agility amidst uncertainty.

Finding a fresh approach to your brand is hard when you’re so invested in it though. A publicist can look at your brand through an objective lens if you need some fresh ideas on product offerings.

Magazines have been decimated, leaving their offshoots at the forefront

Bauer media announced 200 jobs were axed and seven magazines were dropped from circulation last week. If pitching to editors of print media is central to your PR model, it may be time to expand your approach.

Journalists and editors are still highly influential, but how you ask them to interact with your brand is different now. A magazine’s website used to complement the print magazine, but now it’s become the magazine. Their podcast, social networks and editor’s feeds used to be considered offshoots, but now they’re central to the magazine’s presence. Print is largely gone.

For example, if you’re a skincare brand: Instead of pitching editors to feature your product in their beauty spread, their offshoot products are now front and centre. Pitch a feature on their website, or request a ‘product highlight’ segment on their podcast. 

Online and linkable mentions (think podcast notes) are clickable, which helps take customers directly to your online store or social. This is easier for customers, and you catch them as soon as they hear about your product. 

Social is king

Social media use is up 61% during COVID-19, and it’s showing no signs of slowing. While your customers may not be able to stroll past a store and see your product, they’re online to scroll towards it more than ever before.

While social is such a dominant force in the consumer arena, your brand must shine brighter than others. PR strategies and tools can help your brand stand out against the noise on social channels, and optimise the extra time everyone’s spending scrolling each day.

PR has been well and truly shaken up by the current health crisis, but it’s for the better. With digital strategy overtaking out-dated PR ideas, there are so many engaging, effective and persuasive ways PR firms can help you get more out of your brand’s PR. 

Connect with us today to see how I can help your brand with your PR needs now.
